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[New GSV Feature] How To Create a Google Street View Virtual Tour That Scales On CloudPano


And of course, on cloudpano, which is a 360 virtual tour software, you can also upload to Google street view, which is today. We’re going to talk about some updates that we’ve done and created to the Google street view editor. Okay. So when you first get started, you become a pro plus member, upgrade your cloud account, uh, click this big green button, and then once you sign in, you’ll see a dashboard looks, something like this. You’re going to go into one of your tours. I have a Chevrolet showroom example, um, in, in this example here and the now there’s a lot of really cool features here. You can, you can use to create a really cool virtual tour experience, but I’m just going to jump into the GSB editor. That’s Google street view and click this little orange man right here. Okay. Now what I have here is an already started Google street view virtual tour. I would have three photos added. I’m actually going to go ahead and add a few more. Um, and I’m actually, I’m not going to really care at this point, which way they’re facing, even though typically you want to you’re to want to set North point, but really what I’m trying to do right now is show you some example of updated feature. So what I’m gonna do, um, I’m gonna add all six of these photos. Okay. Just real quick. We’ll set it right here. Why not? Alright, great. Um, let’s just face this one as well over here. Okay. Now, if you’re watching my screen over here to the left, you see all these images that are connected over here and you see this little map editor. Okay. So I’m going to think a slow expansion button to give us some better, feel better and you know, what’s happening and where are we going to place these specific locations? And we added some features to help this move even faster for you. Okay. Now you can see that I’m moving the image location. So basically the Latin lawn, where are these where these locations are going to show up on the GSP editor? Now I moved those, but as you can see that I have this current, um, six photos selected, okay. Also, we added something called scaling. So it’s important. So if you hold down control and zoom in, you can you’ll see that the maps, um, in this case, it says two meters. Um, you can have a better feel for the distance between these two locations. Okay. I’ll zoom out and it’s going to zoom me out as well. Okay. So my, my, my ruler will adjust to the scaling really big deal. Um, and also if you click on this little pen right here, cause you some added directional cases, click on click a second, marker. To add a connection, right. Click to remove connection, command, or control windows plus click to switch scenes. Okay. So important. So watch this. So I had these six photos selected and I want to connect them to this in this case scene number two. So I’m going to click right here and you’ll see, it’s now connected quickly. I saw this pen highlighted, so I can also connect this guy if I was hot. So I hover over and you see that that’s what actually will be. I’m just going to click right there and it connects it like right here and it connects it. So it’s, it’s a really quick way to, um, to add some connections, right? I’m in my little editor mode here. Now, if I click, I hold down control and click one, I moved that location. If I hold down control or command and click six, I go back to that location. Now, if I right-click Those don’t work well, I’m zooming out. Oh, there it is. Okay. It’s working. I’m just not clicking the right spot. So if, if you have a select, so the arrow indicates which spot you are selected. Okay. So if I click on a photo six, it connects it here in the same thing as well here. Now what I was doing was clicking on the line. Don’t do that. You want to click on the dot itself, right? Click to remove left, click to add the connection. Okay. All right. There, there it is just like that. So it’s a quick and fast way to add connections and remove them. And then just to jump to the next location, you just hold down control and click it and boom, there I am. I’m at that location, photo six in this case. Okay. So what I’m going to do quickly is I’m going to connect all these photos to each other. So I want one is missing the next action to four. So it’s going to be real quick. And then I’m going to have, uh, let’s see, I’m going to have two. So I held on control. I jumped over there and I’m going to hover over five, click it. There it is. I over four. Got it. And then three is already had to been so as one. So let’s see. Is there any more that I have not connected in this example, it looks like I want to move over six a little bit just to give some, give some room some space. Now obviously the examples I’m showing are inside this car and I’m kind of showing an example of a circle here. This is a is to indicate, well, let’s say you were walking around this dealership and taking seven photos in this case or six photos in this case. Um, you, you would separate those based on where you were at at each location, right? These photos are actually inside this vehicle. So they’re probably much tighter. Like, let’s say five and six were, you know, let’s say hypothetically like this, and then you had some that were outside as well, too, like this, how it would look. Um, but in general, it’s hard to see. So I want to show kind of more of a demonstration. All right. So when Al here’s some key things you need to know, you can scale up and scale back scale in this, use your mouse wheel. Okay. You could have the PR press this little, um, to just go faster. So if I right click her left quick left click, um, I can add and delete connections quickly. Okay. I have to click on the dot on the line that client was doing earlier. That was, that was incorrect. So click on the daughter on the number. Um, that’s how you can add and move so quickly. And then, so I’m just showing you another example. There you go. And you can also use command or control to jump around scenes. Okay. So what this does it just add some speed and agility to your GSP editing world, right? We want to go fast. I want to make sure everything looks good. Um, but also we don’t want to necessarily be hampered by the scaling or, um, just in general, w we, we want the editor to go fast, right? So that’s what that is.

Therefore, hopefully that makes a lot of sense to you. And as well, of course, if one of your North points is not set correctly, you can always just jump onto it and click it. Um, it looks like in this example, Oh yeah. Four is not connected. So one way to, to show indication here of no connection is, is this little plus symbol is click plus such a North point here. Let’s make it a, this way. And you’ll watch that reflect as well in the map here at the moment, which it did. So I kind of, I like the level mint. We have a low, Oh, wait, we do have multiple levels now as well too. I prefer creating through soul map tool here, um, and letting the connected scenes just kind of play themselves out. Um, but it’s a help. It’s a helpful double-check or indicator of, of kind of what you may have missed in case you were, you know, if you select room one, hold on, control flex room one. And I don’t, I don’t have any connections there that I’m missing and I want all of them connected and that’s how you can quickly do that. Okay. So again, you have full control here, full customization, um, and it’s a really cool feature and really helpful to the business owner and to the 360 photographer looking to sales as a service. Um, so I hope this was helpful and clear as mud. I was going fast, but overall, we have a, another announcement video showing you how to use Google street view. And now we just have some more features that we’ve added into it to make it more robust, to help you grow your business. Look forward to you having more success on If you haven’t already done it, go to a cloud, click upgrade, upgrade your account to pro plus today. I’ll see you inside. /—!>

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